

As per the official information, Elastica 5.1.0 is compatible with all elasticsearch 5.x releases. It was tested with elasticsearch v5.1.2.


You can download this project in either zip or tar formats.

The prefered way is to clone Elastica with Git by running:

$ git clone git://


You can also install Elastica by using composer:


Include in your project

If you’ve used composer to install Elastica it’s very easy. Assuming your document root index file is in /htdocs/myproject/web/ and composer installed the vendor file in /htdocs/myproject/vendor your index.php has to look like this:


require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';

If you don’t use composer in your project you have to include Elastica. Best way to do this is to use PHP spl_autoload_register. This function is automatically called in case you are trying to use a class/interface which hasn’t been defined yet.

So let’s assume you installed Elastica to /var/www/Elastica. When you make an instance of \Elastica\Client, the function will check if there is a file with that class in /var/www/Elastica/Client and load it.


function __autoload_elastica ($class) {
    $path = str_replace('\\', '/', substr($class, 1));

    if (file_exists('/var/www/' . $path . '.php')) {
        require_once('/var/www/' . $path . '.php');

//Or using anonymous function PHP 5.3.0>=
    if (file_exists('/var/www/' . $class . '.php')) {
            require_once('/var/www/' . $class . '.php');